Sunday Statistics

In the second of three posts today, we're going to put away words and bring out cold, hard numbers. I started translating the TOC a little into starting this blog, and while it's mostly just to have something more to comment on, there's something to be said about actually documenting where series stand due to this, so let's get right to it.

In short, this chart ranks series from least to greatest while not considering things like color pages which generally render a series unranked as I've said before. On the right is the average of ranked chapters without color pages, while on the left is rankings with color pages. This isn't exact or set in stone, since there's no concrete proof aside from conjecture that rankings work this way, but I thought it would be interesting to have on the block. Color pages do make a difference if we take this into consideration however --some series rise a bit when these color pages aren't considered. Especially series who don't get them often. Also I guess one thing that's worth noting is how high up Magic Kaito is despite only being in the magazine for three weeks, which further evidences that these rankings are often just what the editors feel like promoting that week rather than a strict map of popularity in the magazine especially since some series get color pages for volume releases and others don't. What I find mostly interesting is that the rankings don't change too much either way...though a more thourough look of color pages and how many times series appear in the magazine would be really awesome, and I hope I can bring that in at some point too.

Also as an aside, Tenshi and Akuto, Souboutei, Hatsukoi Zombie and Megumi appeared in all issues out this year, while Dagashi, Maoujou, and Komi all missed one issue barely missing that perfect attendance score. 

I'd really like to thank Aipom626 for compiling this info, and you guys for reading it. To the next entry!


  1. Wow, Komi-san, Megumi, Maoujou, and Evans seem quite popular! That's especially great for Evans since it's a new series. I've heard people talking about Komi-san a lot online elsewhere as well so I think it's definitely one of the more popular currently-running Sunday titles among western fans right now. Since Maoujou was licensed I'm holding out hope for the eventual licensing of those other three as well, or at least an eventual anime announcement.

    1. I've got a little bit in regard to Evans' sales and the series has risen a little from it's first volume, which is a very good sign. The numbers won't be clear for a few more days but any signs of rising for it is wonderful.

      I've heard a lot about Komi around the net --and with good reason, it's a cute series! It's also selling quite nicely. I think it's likely the next series to be animated, even before Maoujo and Megumi. Though Maoujou's licensing does seem to imply something might be in the works for it.


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