Covering Sunday January 2018 Edition

Aaaaaand safe! Ah, I've been so busy with things on and off the blog that I almost forgot to talk about this week's selection of releases! No need to fear, my faulty memory actually did it's job and now I'm here. Let's get to it!

At the top despite being over now is Meteor Girl's third volume. I really like the logo for the series, and Ishiyama does such a great job with the BG art --and the usually obtrusive volume number is actually nice and  small on the side! It's truly a cover of epic proportions --sadly this wasn't enough to save the series, but hey, at least there isn't too much to collect. Also I'm really quite fond of Chihiro's color scheme --her hair and eyes mesh well together.

To continue with series that are no longer here with us, this is the final volume of RINNE. --Feels like only a little while ago I was talking about the series and thinking it wouldn't have an end...nostalgia aside, it's what we've come to expect from the series, honestly. I am a little surprised that rather than a group cover we just get the two protagonists, but they are the most important characters in the series aren't they. I dig the blue in both the logo and volume number (and that's two covers with unobtrusive volume #'s, which is nice.) as it compliments the cover color --or lack thereof nicely.

I've always been fond of Mitsuda's character designs --they're very much typical anime, but the eyes and hair are very appealing to me for some reason, and this cover is no exception. It's also wonderful to see prominent female characters on a cover for a sports manga. Cute can be strong too!

I almost thought we had a home run when it comes to volume #'s but Minenami dropped the ball in the last inning. Still it's a very cute cover and wonderful to see Ebino and Ibusaki getting along after the revelations in the series. These covers that depict scenes in a work can be hit or miss, but this one is a hit! I do like the logo being split up as well so that both characters can really shine.

Now the # of the volume is big, but Hirakawa's composition of elements here --along with the color and BG keep it from being obtrusive. Mangaka should take notes on this! This cover is busy and static at the same time which makes it visually stimulating. The lights and darks used in the shading and the characters clothes --really digging that kimono pattern all bring a prospective buyer right in --Akuto is in the back but has more weight as the cover leans toward him, you can tell he's the protagonist, while another character appearing in this volume might fascinate those who haven't read for a bit. I think I gotta give this cover the award for the month!

Kaerikuro takes the cover of Souboutei #7. Fujita's use of the mist and flag in the BG are wonderful and add this sense of density to the cover despite it being no more than paper. I do wish he had included a few other important faces for this arc on the cover though. I do like Kaerikuro a lot, but a lot of things have happened and I feel like just having Zanka in the background could have done a lot more for this. Still, Fujita is a master of the fine art of the line, and this cover shows that well.

Last, but by no means least is Maojou's 6th volume cover. The princess looks really nice in color, and I like the reflection in the pond(?) below her of the castle mountain. Speaking of which the BG is visually interesting without being too distracting, and seeing the demons assisting with what I'd assume to be shopping lends a nice flair to this cover that might have been lacking without it. The volume number is kinda big, but off in the corner so it's fine, and I'm actually fine with the red border over the title if only because the logo isn't quite as remarkable as say --Meteor Girl. 

And that's it for this month! Hopefully next month will be a little more on time! Until then, pick up a volume and be well! 
